Unimi professors and research fellows

Please send an e-mail to redazione.milanoup@unimi.it with the following attachments:

  • proposal form
  • a draft of the text (table of contents and at least two chapters of the volume)

The proposal form must be completed in full, in order to provide all the information required for assessment.

Proposals are initially vetted by the MilanoUP Editorial Board to make sure they are consistent with editorial policies. Then, the proposer is notified of the outcome of the assessment.

After receiving notice that the proposal has been accepted, the author must submit the full text, as complete as possible and written in accordance with the MilanoUP Editorial Guidelines. Please note that the text must be redacted of all identifying information, in order to ensure anonymity during the peer-review phase.

Milano University Press     
Via Festa del Perdono 7 - 20122 Milano
Libri e collane: redazione.milanoup@unimi.it
Riviste: riviste@unimi.it
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